In 2018, the Canisius College in Buffalo, New York released a study stating that women sleep better when they share their bed with a canine companion (source).
With over 900 participants in the study, the results showed that dogs are less disrupt their owner’s sleep than a human partner or cat.
The response to the results of this study was overwhelming, with pet parents popping up all over to agree with the findings.
However, some trainers and doctors will argue against sleeping with your pooch.
There are a select few who think that letting your dog sleep in bed with you is a dominance issue and “could lead to behavior problems”.
The belief that your dog should not sleep in your bed with you is an outdated one.
But modern day animal behaviorists and veterinarians have debunked this myth. These old ideas were simply overstated and false.
Some doctors may recommend against letting your dog sleep in your bed with you because it’s unsanitary.
It seems as though the debate of whether or not your dog should sleep in your bed will always exist, despite what studies show.
The answer generally comes down to personal preference.
What say you, Dachshund parents? Should your Dachshund sleep in your bed? Let’s discuss it!
Should Your Dachshund Sleep in Your Bed?
Dogs are family members, and many pet parents adore the idea of allowing their beloved pup sleep in the human bed.
The phenomenon often brings comfort to people – a sense of security, if you will.
For example, I slept with my cat while growing up. I got used to having a warm, furry body next to me. Cuddling in bed with my Dachshunds brings back those comforting childhood feelings.
There are many reasons people may decide to let their Dachshund sleep in their bed.
Below we talk about some pros and cons of letting your Dachshund sleep in your bed.
The benefits of letting your dog sleep in your bed:
- Staying warm and cozy during winter months: Dogs can be an incredible source of natural heat. This isn’t the best for the summer (unless you keep your home extra cool), but your Dachshund can act as a mini heater during the winter.
- Creating a sense of comfort: Sleeping with your Dachshund can create a sense of comfort and relaxation. People who suffer from anxiety or other ailments have reported that having their favorite pooch in bed allows them to calm down and get to sleep quicker.
- Giving a sense of security: Although Dachshunds are small, many Doxie parents still feel more secure when sleeping in bed with them. Dachshunds are known to bark at the slightest noise so they can alert us unusual circumstances. It’s like resting with your own personal security system.
- Helping to keep a routine: Sleeping in bed with your Dachshund can help you keep a steady routine. Dogs often remind us when it’s time to go to bed and wake up. Dachshunds thrive on routine, and humans generally do, too. Allowing your dog to sleep in bed with you will help adhere to a necessary schedule.
Allowing your Dachshund in bed with you may actually be good for your dog’s health too: Pets prefer to sleep in elevated spaces because it feels more secure. Plus, your dog may be comforted by your scent.
While there are many benefits to sleeping with your dog, there are some valid reasons not to also.
Reasons not to let your dog sleep in your bed:
- It can potentially disrupt sleep: Although dogs don’t disturb sleep like a human or cat might, there is still the possibility of disruption throughout the night. Dachshunds are small, but if they are moving around a lot and you’re a light sleeper, it can mean you never fall into a deep, rejuvenating sleep. They also may decide they need to go potty in the middle of the night and won’t go back to sleep unless you get up and let them out.
- They may exacerbate allergies: If you (or your partner) are even mildly allergic to dogs, allowing your Dachshund to sleep in bed can potentially set off your allergies. Resting all night surrounded by fur and dander can simply make things worse for someone who’s allergy-stricken.
- There is less space for you: Dachshunds are small, but somehow they seem to take up a lot of room! They most often make themselves wider by curling up in a ball or sleeping sideways. If your space is already limited in bed, sleeping with your Dachshund can give you even less room.
- Couples time can be disrupted: Having a Dachshund in the bedroom with you when it’s time for intimacy can put a damper on spontaneous “activities”.
Now let’s talk about how you can make sleeping in bed with your Dachshund a healthier, more enjoyable experience.
Tips for Allowing Your Dachshund to Sleep in Bed With You
If your Dachshund regularly sleeps in bed with you, here are a few things you should consider:
Consider these tips if you want to allow your Dachshund in your bed.
- Wash your bed sheets at least once a week to remove pet hair, dander, dirt or anything else your pup may have picked up outside.
- Check your Dachshund for fleas and ticks on a routine basis so the pests aren’t brought into your bed.
- Give your Dachshund regular baths to ensure you have a clean, healthy pup sleeping with you each night. Dogs can track bacteria into bed if they have dirty paws, etc.
- Create a designated sleeping spot, like a side or corner of the bed, for your Dachshund to sleep on. This will help everyone get adequate sleep every night without disruption. Warning: Your Dachshund may want to make up their own mind about where they sleep despite your best efforts (they can be stubborn).
- Give them blankets to burrow under. Dachshunds like to burrow under the covers. If you want your pup in bed but not under the covers with you, add an extra blanket layer for your Doxie to bury themselves in. Just make sure they can easily get out from under the blanket if they want to.
- Have a plan for those periods of time you want some bedroom time to yourself. If you and your partner want to be intimate, give your Dachshund a treat toy, or bully stick, and put them in the other room (or in a dog crate so they can’t decide to come “knocking” on your door).
Alternatives to Your Dachshund Sleeping in Your Bed
If you choose not to share your bed with your Dachshund, there are some things you can do to ensure they feel safe and comfortable at night.
If you decide you don’t want your Dachshund to sleep in bed with you, there are some alternatives”
- Create a cozy spot in your bedroom for your Dachshund. This special space can include a pet bed, blankets or your dog’s favorite sleeping arrangement.
- Create a desirable spot outside of the bedroom. Offer a cozy kennel space for your Dachshund in another room. Crate training is super important for Doxies, and the kennel acts as a safe place for them to relax and unwind. A crate will also keep your Dachshund out of trouble, especially if they are a restless puppy!
Remember that it’s not always in everyone’s best interest for a dog to be in bed.
While you may want to sleep cuddled up with your Dachshund, if you have a partner or significant other, check with them first to make sure they are on board with it.
You have to make the right choice for all who sleep in the bed and your Dachshund!
Final Thoughts
Taking your Dachshund to bed with you at night is a beloved ritual practiced by pet parents everywhere.
A majority of Dachshund parents are away from their pups all day, so keeping them in bed at night allows for more precious time together.
Experts say that as long as you and your Dachshund are both healthy, sleeping in bed with them can be more beneficial than not.
So we say grab your precious furry friend and snuggle up knowing that it’s ultimately a good thing!

About the Author: Through her 17 years of owning and caring for Dachshunds, and almost 10 years researching and writing about them, JW has become a respected expert in the Dachshund community. Read more about her here.